Proposition for my final piece.

Proposition for my final piece


  1. 1.  Cigarettes in Handcuffs. (Addiction).
  • Older hands resting on a table with a cigarette in his hand while his hands are handcuffed to show that he is trapped and locked into smoking.
  • Small crop so it just shows the hands so you paint your own image.
  1. 2.  Older kids stood with younger child. (Peer Pressure).
  • In a gloomy area with a couple of older kids looking over a younger kid with a cig in his mouth.
  • To show how children can be easily influenced.
  1. 3.  Montage. (Show effects).
  • Simple studio portrait image of a male stood looking into the camera with a cig in his mouth.
  • A area in his chest cut out and left blank to show that the smoking is harmful but leaving you to build up your own story in your head. (John Stezaker).
  1. 4.    Portrait image of male with a cigarette to his head (showing it kills)
  • Simple studio portrait image of a male stood looking into the camera with a cig in his hand pointed to his head.
  • He will be looking straight into the camera screaming to show the fear.
  1. 5. Males feet on a death bed with a pair of child’s feet in-between to show it effects families
  • Simple studio image of feet in a bed with a cloth over the body.
  • Childs feet in-inbetween. 

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